At the very outset, let me clarify that MEN doesn't mean the members from the not-so-fair sex. I use 'men' to speak about random people (like they did in epics and also the Holy Bible) irrespective of sex divides.
There is a constant tussle between two of the mankind. Be it in love or friendship or neighbourly relations or even within a family. The same underlying conflict is found in every aspect of our lives. No one (excuse the generality) is at peace today. Why? None of us really know. We all believe we have something yet to be achieved. That mystical something that has eluded us so long. Once we have laid our hands n that "something", ranging from the fancy piece of automobile to a new shirt to any god damned thing ever created by the complex human mind, we go on to the next level of the chase. There is a replacement already ready to be pursued with added vigour. This goes on. Today when I took an accidental break from my personal chase, I felt something like a wreckage inside the head. There was a tangle of myriads of images, thoughts, people. They floated around like they do in the space.
While typing the words right now, I want to talk about numerous things. But the clot in the head deviates me from one point to another and then to a third. In a matter of few seconds I apparently travel places and times and incidents. Some that happened today, some that are now in the past and yet correlate with the day's happening and some that just flash in and out. I am stuck in dual sensation. Rather say multi-sensations. Equally vibrant and emphatic.
The inter-looped relativity Me has with things around and the same things have with others and the chain that is formed this way is fathomless. And the different "men" I met in this relative force is stunning, which almost benumbs me.
After the last statement, I am totally numb and sitting before the computer, thinking whats the next fancy thing I should write so that people applaud my writing skills and leave words of praise. But the current state of mind does not seem to know what it wants to think about. There isn't anything coherent that is evolving. I cannot even pretend to be the aspiring writer who has bagful of 'nothingness' to describe through well-drawn similes and intelligent rephrased terms and words. The confusion wants an outlet and I presumed (too soon!!) that only penning them down would ease my tension. But it feels worse now because nothing suitable could be created. Neither did I feel like Gibran or Amitabh Ghosh or Marquez. Nor did I feel the existential angst of Samuel Beckett. Nor do I feel the anger like the angry young man from John Osborne's "Look Back in Anger". I better end this post soon. Its scaring me enough to make me drop my plans of a full-time writing career.
Don't know whether others feel the same way. But except wasting some more space and pronouncing the names of all the writers I read, i seem to be doing exactly "Nothing".
I feel like a "nothing".