Sunday, July 8, 2007


Am about to retake a step towards the place I first stepped into when I came to Delhi...University of Delhi..The haloed institution of be it learning, unadulterated fun, countles (yet most of the time genuine) protest marches, college fests, umpteen visits to Kamla Nagar market or pure vellapan!...u say it, u see it, u get it! And after more that two years I plan to do a U-turn and go to re-enter the haven and all thats fun and serious at the same time.

All sounds great now. But there is a lingering apprehension deep down. What would it be like returning to the same place?...Would I successfully adapt back to a student's life after a lapse of so much time/ And many more....Also the fact that I will be leaving my job...The assured domain of work, money etc...There is a certain fear of going dependent on parents again...not that thats blasphemous, yet independence tastes sweet and the fear of losing even a bit can be nervewrecking.

Tickling anticipation however dispels the doubts.I await the first day of my rewound student life with the enthusiasm of a freshman, only with a pinch of salt!


Yudi said...

Brilliant headline, it couldn't have been better.

sam said...

hmmm... college life is an addiction... dont u think??? i like that air of uncertainity around which your words revolve...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.