Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Break in between exam prep.

Lemme just scribble the thoughts which crowd my already semi-insane head.
Visitors next door left today afternoon..Quite a relief with no more of high pitch voices discussing the most mundane to the most prolific topics of the day. There were way too many people stuffed in a space adequate for two. (modern day standard of nuclear family is what I keep in mind.)
However, all of a sudden I started to miss the din and confusion. The voices were my company as I read through dark pages of taxation law, labour law and the like. They pepped my spirits when they started fledgling. How? The juicy rounds of bitching and more appropriately "Poro neenda poro chorcha" (in Bangla) which the inmates of the house indulged in was a treat for my devil's workshop. Should I name it as the No Boss House? I might as well do that. Cause "they" were their own lords and more often than not voiced their opinions with gusto and full throats.
Do I miss them?
I presume yes. No I dont. "They" were too loud. But "they" kept me company in the boring long afternoons...I am not too sure..Yet they are interesting enough for the blog.
My classmates (except a few, rest I dont consider friends..as if they too care much about my alluring friendship) are all galloping ahead with their readings of the fat ugly law books. They must be studded with knowledge enough to rock any courtroom across the country. Has anyone wondered why we say rock the court room and not the court floor, just like we rock the dance floor? Strange thought this is. Examination has its side effects.
By the way, I am dangerously balanced between some study and a lot of other more important thoughts. And this keeps me somewhere very close to the starting line...my good friends, go ahead and score well. Write all that you know about the trade unions, house property, limitation period, arbitration agreement or emergency provisions. These topics never cross my mind. Or even if they do cross, it is seldom a great experience.
What do I think about? about the new cook and of what she cooks. I think how the dhobi must be washing clothes the whole day and ironing them with a monstrous state-of-the-art iron. Then about how the vegetable vendor haggles his way through in the "mandi". Then there is a set of fancy thoughts. The beauty parlour thoughts, the look of the season thoughts. The ones about dining out or tearing my boy friend's hair on issues which he considers no issues and which for me are more precious than my life.
Well, just now my friend has trooped in and she demands that I listen to her thoughts. Mine have been paused for a while. Well, people away from home and family seek another pair of ears to speak out their heart or anything else too..
Just like the preceding posts this one also is fated to end abruptly.
Laziness creeps in too fast into my system.