Thursday, February 3, 2022

Pretty Lies


Facts fight the lies they chose as their King

Crown adorns the heads that praises sing.

They know not the language of toil

Blind egos blight the level playing soil.


Soulless laughter that deserves no audience

Love they receive can trounce any conscience

The 9 to 5 man shudders at the realization

His precious values are irrelevant in Banana Nation.


Acrid air chokes the lungs and fuels the pocket

This is where the Zombies outrun the prophet.

A news a day to toy with our time

To not be a brown-nose is the crime.


The race is on, the mind is gone

Rats fight the battle; the war long won.

The battered one walk back to the cages

Maps to freedom were on the lost pages.


Ashen faces that fail to justify the end

Do not look for excuse to stab your friend.

Sky accepts defeat, it has nowhere to hide

Cloud smirks, it now knows to take a side.


The lost bird cannot return home

My God seeks a new tomb.

The masks that hid the pretty lies

Endure ignominy as cruelty flies.


The pauper poet tears sheet after sheet

Of ballets on Romeos forlorn on love street.

Destinations merge and lose their address

Anchorless lust for everything survives, nonetheless.