Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sway, Stay, Go Away

I am scared of you; I am wary of your shadow;
I tremble at your voice; I quiver as you move the elbow.

Oh no, come not near me; you instill icy season within; 
Please do not go away, the Lonely demon lurks around.

Go away, please return soon, 
My perplexed  head cries loud, the heart benumbed.

I turn my back, you set to leave;
The space between us is but left to bereave.

We are but a widow pair, 
We move from one shadow to a corner.

Death of the song has long been completed;
Go draw the curtain, the players are long gone.

The props are lifted, the lights switched off,
The lone drunk man stutters to the next door step.

Heads drooping, eyes a shadow of grey;
The two figures walk back their mile.

The song echoes in their head;
Is it just a sea of grief, or do memories too turn senile?

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